Professor, Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Professor, Communication Studies
After 33 years at the University of Oklahoma (OU), I retired as Presidential Professor of Communication (now Emeritus) to follow my partner, Professor Elaine Hsieh, PhD, to the University of Minnesota as she took on the duties of chairing the Department of Communication Studies. I will take on a joint-appointment contract position as Professor of Journalism and Communication in the fall of 2023.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication
Dr. Eric M. Kramer is the Editor for Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication (International Communication).
Spring, 2020
Dr. Eric Kramer received a Captain's Chair commemorating his 30 years of service at the University of Oklahoma.
Photos at Flickr
Please visit my photo albums at Flickr for my latest work and pictures.
My Recent Blogpost
You can look up anyone’s political party registration at O.U. if you have their name and town (Norman for example) or county (Cleveland County) HERE Why belong to any political party? Why participate in democracy at all? Why resist authoritarianism? Why promote transparency?
Guest Lecture, Massey University
Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 3 PM – 4 PM UTC+12; Zoom Meeting ID